This loan saves you cash while helping your cash flow. As a special welcome to the Vanderbilt Community, VUCU will refinance your current automobile loan at half your current rate! And as a special welcome bonus you don’t have to make your auto loan payment for up to 90 days!
- No fees or hidden charges - finance the amount you currently owe
- Lower your interest cost
- Improve your cash flow while you start your new job with Vanderbilt
- You have up to 90 days from your hire date to take advantage of this offer
Note: Certain restrictions apply. VUCU minimum loan rate of prime rate minus 3.00% applies.
Protect your auto investment with:
- Auto Insurance
- Extended Warranty
- Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP). If your vehicle is stolen or totaled in an accident, most insurance companies will only pay its cash value. If you’re still making payments on your vehicle and the current balance of your loan is above your vehicle’s cash value, you’re liable for the difference, GAP protection can waive all or a part of your remaining loan balance.
- Mechanical Repair Coverage
- Debt Cancelation Insurance