NUCA Insured
We welcome all Medical Center Staff, University Employees, Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni to join Vanderbilt’s only employee owned credit union.
Who is eligible to join?
Any Employee, Faculty Member, Student, or Officer of Adminstration of:
- Vanderbilt University
- Vanderbilt University Hospital
- Psychiatric Hospital at Vanderbilt
- Shared Hospital Corporation
- Vanderbilt Home Health Care Group
- Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital
- University Club ofNashville
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center Clinical Staffing Resource Center
- Vanderbilt Temporary Services
- Vanderbilt University Credit Union
- Nashville Lion's Eye Bank
- Nashville Ronald McDonald House
- Retired from Vanderbilt University
- Vanderbilt postdoctoral fellows who are supported by funds which do not allow them to be considered employees
- Members ofthe immediate family of such persons; and associations or organizations composed of the same general membership
How much does it cost to become a member of the VUCU?
There is a one-time membership fee of twenty-five cents ($0.25). In addition, you must maintain a balance in your share account of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
What documents do I need to bring to the VUCU office to open my account?
- Completed Membership Application
- Vanderbilt ID card
- Driver's license or Tennessee ID card
- Social Security card
How can I join the VUCU by mail?
- Completed Membership Application (signed and notarized)
- Completed Payroll Deduction Form
- Copy of Vanderbilt ID card
- Copy of Driver's license or Tennessee ID card
- Copy of Social Security card
Can other family members join the VUCU?
Yes, any member of your immediate family can be a member.
Who owns the VUCU?
The members own the VUCU, with each member having one vote.
How can I have a voice in the VUCU?
Each member has one vote, and by state law, the VUCU is required to have a membership meeting once a year. At the membership meeting, the membership elects the directors to run the VUCU.
Protect Your Identity
No one from the Vanderbilt University Credit Union or any of its associations will ever solicit by phone or email any of your personal identity or account information. If you receive such a phone call or email, please hang up or delete the email and notify us. Giving out such information could lead to identity theft.
Read our Privacy Policy here.
Join the VUCU E-mail List
Get VUCU News , learn about special promotions and more. The e-mail distribution list is managed by the VUCU. Your name will not be placed on any other email list.
To join our email list, click here to subscribe.